Monday, December 6, 2010

About me

I've been getting into blogging a lot lately, and it's worried me because only a year ago I refused to blog about anything.

Anyways, since this is my first post, I feel like I should tell you a bit about myself. My name is Malia. I'm 18 years old and a college freshman. I'm studying Graphic and Communication Design, and I'm thinking about minoring in Web Design. I'm really shy, but bubbly, and I have a lot of morals, values, and standards.

I like a lot of different music. My favorites include Adam Lambert, Paramore, Lady GaGa, and Katy Perry. I watch Law and Order: SVU religiously. It is my anti-drug, and it makes me anti-social most of the time haha. My favorite books include the Harry Potter series, and anything by Dan Brown. My favorite movies are Harry Potter, Star Trek, Transformers, and Indiana Jones. I will take an action/adventure movie over a romance any day.

I think I'm a boring person most of the time, and maybe this entry proves it because I really don't have anything else to say. I suppose if you want to know more about me, just ask me. I will be happy to answer any questions you might have :)

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