Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Love....Why does it suck?

Have you ever been in love with someone, someone you can't have and could never be with? I seem to be experiencing that right now. It hurts so much, because I don't want anyone else but this person. We are compatible and everything....but the thing is....we dated on and off for a long time and it always ended with me doing something stupid, us fighting about it, then us breaking up.

Over the past two days, we've been having deep heart to heart talks about how we feel lonely and everything. Mind you, this is after this person decided they didn't want anything to do with me and cut me out of their life and hasn't spoken to me in like two months (Obviously we've made up since then). My heart and mind are telling me "Yes!" but I'm saying "No!" I don't want to get hurt again. I don't want to go through the pain of breaking up with them again. Besides....they'll never see me as a romantic interest ever again. I've hurt this person too much.

Last night, after we talked, I ended up crying myself to sleep. I want this person so badly, but I can't go through it again. I want to. If this person came to me and asked me out, I would say "Yes!" without a second thought. I'm just so confused. I have no idea what to do. Do I tell this person that I'm in love with them? This person thinks I'm over them....but in reality....I never got over them.


I have no idea what to do....

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